, pub-9220471781781135, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Tamil Home Recipes: April 2008

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


  • Boil 500 ml of water.
  • Add some slices of fresh ginger root.
  • Reduce flame.
  • Cook for 10 minutes and strain.
  • Add honey and/or lemon juice of your choice.
  • Drink hot.
  • (Good remedy for sore throat, cold, etc.)

Friday, April 11, 2008

Carrot Halwa

Carrot Halwa is a dessert, also called Gajjar Halwa, Gajar Halva or Gajar ka Halwa.
Carrot is a versatile root vegetable. We can eat carrot raw as well as cooked. Carrot contains ‘Carotene’, an yellow pigment, which converts itself into Vitamin A. Vitamin A is very effective in correcting night blindness. Consuming carrots give good color to our skin. Carrot also contains phosphorous, folic acid, sodium, potassium, vitamin C, etc. Carrots are also useful to get rid off anaemia / anemia and acidosis. It is a blood purifier.
Method of preparation:
  • Boil 500 gm of grated carrots in 750 ml of milk.
  • Stir intermittently at the beginning and continuously when it starts thickening.
  • Reduce flame; add 200gm of sugar, a tsp of ghee and a pinch of cardamom powder.
  • Stir until the ghee comes out.
  • Serve hot with decoration of your choice.